
Welcome! Selamat Datang! Bien Venue!

Dedicated to all those who are interested in world folklore, culture and nature. Comments and constructive criticisms are welcome!

Thursday, June 14, 2007


As they say in Lagos, "My friend, you are welcome!"

I welcome any comments from friends and family, book writers and readers, and in particular members of the children's book writers group, I belong to: Eleanor, Gwen, Judy and Hyacinth. My old friends from the JAL 78 group are also very much welcomed for their unique 'outsiders' views!

I had some help from fellow blogger and children's book writer, Kim ( in creating this blog. Thanks Kim! As I haven't quite mastered the fine art of blogging, it will be a shaky ride in the begining!

This first 'issue' will be about my first book - Twelve Treasures of the East (by Tutu Dutta Yean & Lucy Bedoya Maire) - as there are some ready reviews and write-ups of the book. I can't talk about my second book as I am still struggling with the concept!

1 comment:

Choong Kwee Kim said...

Welcome to the world of blogging, Tutu.